My Biographer

In 1988, that is to say 26 years after my death, my niece Victoria met a Galician writer, from Lugo, to be precise. She asked her to write my true story and put at her disposal all the family documents. That is how Elisa Vázquez de Gey became my biographer.

Elisa Vázquez de Gey

Elisa Vázquez de Gey

The writer travelled on several occasions to Punjab and visited all the places where I lived.

Elisa is meticulous and likes to investigate, she has translated my diaries and managed to compile huge quantities of information about me.

In 1998 Elisa Vázquez published a book titled: Anita Delgado - Maharani of Kapurthala which included the translated version of my travel diaries.

I must say it is as if the publication opened the Pandora’s box of the collective memory; numerous people who had had relation with me facilitated hundreds of  facts and references to my biographer.

By the year 2005 my niece Victoria had already passed away,  Elisa Vázquez de Gey publishes another book about me, this time a historic novel which uses the first person perspective to give voice to three men who knew me well.

It is titled: The Maharanis’ Dream and it is my favourite.

There is a similar reaction from the readers: people emerge claiming or believing to be relatives of mine, letters and writings come to light which confirm friendships, paintings and old portraits appear…

In 2008 a new book titled: The Princess of Kapurthala came up to light, and it is my biography. It includes documents that had never before been published, many photographs and updated information.
It is a marvel.

This story was brought to a spectacular close in 2017 thanks to a Galician publishing house that decided to reissue “Impressions de mes voyages aux Indes”, the little book I wrote in 1915. My biographer translated it from French to Spanish, wrote the introduction and notes, as well as a beautiful epilogue about me. How could I imagine that, more than a hundred years after being written, it was going to be published again in Spain and in my own language!

My biographer writes books, but also collaborates in activities related with the character in which I have become with the years’ passing: she imparts conferences, writes film-scripts, undertakes historic investigations, collaborates with museums, on television programmes and with the press in general. Also she maintains contact with historians who wish to investigate my character and facilitates information to writers, those interested and readers. For instance this interview and this other one or the numerous television programs which she attends with the aim of preserving my memory or to introduce me to those who do not know of me.

With so much hustle and bustle Elisa is very busy. At least she can count on her literary agent, a very pleasant young woman who resides in Barcelona, she is  Anna Soler-Pont,
and she is of great help with all the fuss of publishings, contracts and paperwork.

…I would not be at all surprised if these two wound up shooting a motion picture based on my life.

My dear biographer ( Elisa Vázquez de Gey) can be contacted here: